A genome contains the genetic blueprint of life. Each species possesses its own characteristic genome shaped by millions of years of evolution, allowing each organism to be specifically adapted to its environment. Through the study of these genomes, we can explore the diversity of life, how species interact, and how they create ecosystems. The Canada BioGenome Project represents Canadian participation in the Earth BioGenome Project, an international initiative with the goal of sequencing the genetic material for all complex life on Earth. Building on the success of the CanSeq150 Program,Canada BioGenome Project samples are being processed and sequenced at each of CGEn’s three nodes, depending on technology requirements and geographic proximity.
Canada possesses significant biodiversity having approximately 80,000 plant and animal species, in environments ranging from desert to the arctic. Many of these species are under threat due to rapid changes in climate and other human-led impacts on our environment. In collaboration with scientists, Indigenous peoples and conservation groups, this project will support biodiversity and conservation research by providing high-quality reference genomes for 400 Canadian plants and animals.
Visit the Canada BioGenome Project website to learn more.